Effective communication — DiSC

Yaniv Preiss
5 min readSep 17, 2023


Your WIIFM (what’s in it for me)

  1. Understand why some people drive you crazy, and with some you get along so easily
  2. Communicate effectively in personal and professional settings

Set the stage


All of us communicate on a daily basis. It’s probably the single activity we practice more than any other.
Nonetheless, wise people have realized:

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place

George Bernard Shaw

Communication is what the listener does

Peter Drucker


We remain who we are even when we behave differently in various circumstances:


Is a “profile” of the default tendency of behavior.
It is not about the personality, the psychology behind, or the “why”.

It captures the main four default behaviors:

The top quadrants are behavior that is outgoing/extrovert, and the bottom ones are reserved/introvert.

The left quadrants are behavior that is task oriented, and the right ones are people oriented.

This results in:

D — Dominance — outgoing and task oriented
I — Influence — outgoing and people oriented
S — Steadiness — reserved and people oriented
C — Conscientiousness — reserved and task oriented

As we’re taking about behavior here, which may change in any given situation, it is no surprise that we all display each of the 4 “profiles” at different levels.

Taking an online test (there are plenty of free and paid ones), the results are given in one of the following ways:

  1. 1–7 Scale for each quadrant. E.g., “6–5–2–1” means a high D and high I
  2. Percentages for each quadrant. E.g., “54% S, 27% C, 12% D, 7% I”
  3. Explanation of the strengths and weaknesses, as MTDISC are doing


None is “better” than the others. They are different ways to get results.

They are more or less equally distributed:

In upper management, D and I are more common, due to the need to talk in front of many people, make decisions and network (that doesn’t mean that only D and I can be managers!) Another possible reason may be a bias that management “should be” loud and full of drama as exaggeratedly shown in television and movies.

One might intuitively or mindfully display different behaviors in different roles or industries. An example is a “high C” software engineer displaying more “D” behaviors after transition to manager role.

Identifying other’s profile

In order to effectively communicating with someone, it’s essential to identify their profile first. You can do it by observing their behavior for a while, including their written and verbal communication, with the caveat that nowadays, written communication tends to be brief due to the extensive use of mobile phones and chat applications, so don’t rely solely on it.

Below are some typical behavior examples.
The “Cliché” part is how the other profiles may perceive them.

With this information you can now test your evaluations of some famous people (solution in the end):

David Beckham
Bill Gates
Michael Jordan
Bill Clinton
Mother Teresa
Albert Einstein
Darth Vader
Robin Williams
Sherlock Holmes
Larry Page
Steve Jobs
Mark Zuckerberg
Elon Musk
Jeff Bezos
Richard Branson
Serena Williams
Queen Elizabeth
Sheryl Sandberg
Hillary Clinton
Martin Luther King Jr
Angela Merkel
Oprah Winfrey
Margaret Thatcher

Now try to assess yourself, your spouse, friends, manager, CEO, colleagues and direct reports.

Communicate effectively

This is the secret sauce — in order to be effective (your message is understood), use their preferred communication style!
Remember, communication is what the listener does.

Communication in a group

After some practice and seeing results with specific individuals, you may wonder what to do in a group setting, e.g. presenting or emailing more than one person.

  • Use your default style — easiest for you, so most effective
  • Address all styles:
    - BLUF — give the bottom line up front (recommendation, decision, action items, deadlines, etc.)
    - Explain the effect on the involved people
    - Add supporting documentation
    - Close with a friendly signature
  • If you already know the group (all “C” engineers, all “I” salespeople) — use their style
  • When you follow up later on with specific individuals — use their style


  • Given examples and clichés were the high end of things. Behaviors may be more subtle
  • Remember that people can have more than one dominant profile, like high D and C
  • Taking a test is a popular team event activity, but ask permission to share each other’s results
  • Your DiSC profile is NOT an excuse for bad behavior


Exercise solution

David Beckham — S
Bill Gates — C
Michael Jordan — D
Bill Clinton — I
Mother Teresa — S
Albert Einstein — C
Darth Vader — D
Gandhi — S
Robin Williams — I
Churchill — D
Sherlock Holmes — C
Spock — C
Larry Page — S
Steve Jobs — I,D
Mark Zuckerberg — C
Elon Musk — D
Jeff Bezos — C
Richard Branson — I
Serena Williams — I
Queen Elizabeth — C
Sheryl Sandberg — D
Hillary Clinton — D
Martin Luther King Jr — S
Angela Merkel — C
Oprah Winfrey — I
Margaret Thatcher — D

Effective leadership is learned
To learn more or reach out, visit my website or LinkedIn



Yaniv Preiss
Yaniv Preiss

Written by Yaniv Preiss

Coaching managers to become effective | Head Of Engineering | I write about management, leadership and tech

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