Intelligence or Luck? — Part 1

Yaniv Preiss
4 min readDec 2, 2020


Flickr: Umberto Salvagninlicense

An old tale goes like this:

There was a very rich and successful person, who had both intelligence and luck.

One day, the intelligence said to the luck: “You know, I am the one who made him this successful. What is the value of having luck without intelligence?”

They started arguing, and eventually the luck said: “If so, then I leave you both, and let’s see how you manage!”

As the luck left, disasters started happening — his ship sunk, his factory burned, his bank was robbed, and all his businesses went bankrupt one after the other.

The rich man became very poor. One day he went to the butcher, asking for 2kg of meat, saying he would pay back when he could. The butcher answered “If you don’t have the money in 3 days, I chop 2kg from your own body!” The rich man agreed, but of course, did not have the money after 3 days. He begged the butcher not to kill him, and suggested to go to the judge and do whatever he decided.

The butcher agreed and they started walking to court. On the way, the rich man accidentally pushed and old man, who fell down and died. His son, standing there, shouted at him: “You killed my father, you pay me now!” The rich man told him “We’re on our way to court anyway, so why don’t you join us?”

The continued to walk and the rich man decided to run away. He started running and opened a door, but behind the door was a pregnant woman. She was severely hit bad and had a miscarriage. The husband shouted at him: “You killed my baby, pay me now!” The rich man told him “I am going with these two to the judge, if you want, join us.”

So all four walked and saw a donkey lying on the road and an old man shouting “My donkey fell down! Help me!” The rich man grabbed the donkey’s tail, trying to get him up, and the tail was ripped off. The old man shouted at him: “You killed my donkey, you owe me a new donkey!” The rich man told him “We’re all on our way to court, join us.”

The intelligence saw the power of the luck and asked for forgiveness “You’re right, I surrender. Please do something to save us.”

The luck forgave the intelligence and said: “Now watch what happens as I get to work again!”

They entered the court and the butcher told his story “We had a contract, that if he doesn’t pay for 2kg of meat, I chop 2kg from his body!” The judge got angry “What cruelty! You want to kill a man over 2kg of meat? How dare you!? Now pay this man 200$!”

The judge asked the second man to talk. “This man pushed my father who fell and died, he should pay!” The judge replied “What did your father do on a busy street where he can get pushed? Now pay him 200$!”

Then the third man told about his pregnant wife and the dead baby. The judge said “What’s the problem? Give him your wife, and he will make you a new one!” The man was surprised and asked “Why the heck would I give him my wife?” The judge said “Ah, you don’t cooperate — pay him 200$!”

The donkey owner saw what was happening and tried to sneak out of the court. The judge asked him “Hey, what‘s your story’?” The donkey owner replied “Oh, I just recalled that my donkey never had a tail anyway.”

As the trial ended, the luck turned to the intelligence and said “You see, what is the value of intelligence without luck? Now let’s go for a walk.”

The intelligence and the luck were walking, talking and having fun, until it became dark. The luck laid down in the middle of the road, preparing to sleep. The intelligence told him “Hey, you have no intelligence? It’s dark, a car might come and hit you!” The luck said “Don’t worry, no car will hit me” and went to sleep. The intelligence, being intelligent, went to sleep on the side of the road.

Later, a truck was coming. The driver saw something in the middle of the road and quickly turned to avoid hitting it, and ran over the intelligence.

Luck can come in many ways: being born in the right place, at the right time, not needing to take care of a sick family member, hearing a good advice, making good bets and many more.

Luck always helps in life and it’s up to us to improve our chances: be proactive, meet and talk to people, acquire skills, gather information, set goals, be open to opportunities, do good for others, continue to learn, show up and keep trying.

Check Part 2 for another view

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Yaniv Preiss
Yaniv Preiss

Written by Yaniv Preiss

Coaching managers to become effective | Head Of Engineering | I write about management, leadership and tech

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